To the Dads & Step Dads: Stay Awesome
A day to celebrate the Father’s in our lives, to remember the challenges Dads around the world face, and to show them how important they are to us. It is no easy feat being a Dad. Each day, Dads wear many different hats: breadwinner, handyman, bug killer, disciplinarian, comedian, sideline coach, cook, lawn guy, car fixer, protector, and of course… the fun parent. Father’s Day is the day to show your Dad he is appreciated for all the roles he plays in your life.
While the day might be labeled Father’s Day, let’s not forget about all the Step Dads out there. More and more families have become “blended”; if you are not familiar with this term, it means “you have your kids, I have my kids, and maybe we will have more together”. This leads us to the guy that does not always get the glory of the title Dad - The Stepdad.
Most men can become biological Dads whether they want to or not, but to earn the title Stepdad, you must work harder than any other Dad out there. You must compete with “the other guy” every day, for the rest of your life. If you’re currently a Step Dad, then you probably know what I’m talking about. If this is your life, let's discuss you this Father’s Day. Google told me that Father’s Day is a day of honoring Fatherhood and paternal bonds. Do you have to share blood in order to have a paternal bond with your kids? The answer is an astounding NO. For those men that have earned the title Stepdad, BZ to you this Father’s Day!
Let’s get real. Blended families are tough and hard work, I believe more so than a “traditional” family environment. The word Step-Dad does not do justice for the relationship or the bond that forms when a Stepdad steps in, is present, straightforward, and is as up-front as any “bio” parent could possibly be. I like to think what makes Stepdads so badass is the fact they had a choice. No one makes them love these kids like their own, no one forces them to be Dads - that is what they chose. They are proof, blood does not make you a Father.
To all the Dads and the Step Dads out there, stay awesome, we salute you! For those of you wishing that Father figure of yours a Happy Father’s Day, take an extra moment and show them you appreciate all the ways they have shaped you into you!