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Why Artichoke?

Why Artichoke?

Benefits of Artichoke Extract for Hair

Out of Regz formulates pomades and hair products with ingredients that are proven to improve the health and appearance of your hair. One of the most nutrient-rich ingredients we use is artichoke extract. Its wealth of vitamins and minerals improve circulation, collagen production, and follicle strength and protect against free radicals that can prematurely age and damage your hair.

The Top 5 Benefits of Artichoke Extract for Your Hair

  • Slow Signs of Aging
  • Grow Longer and Stronger
  • Reduce Hair Loss and Thinning
  • Reduce Dandruff and Inflammatory Skin Conditions
  • Improve Shine and Vitality

What’s in it and what does it do?


Artichoke is just chock full of antioxidants like silymarin, caffeic acid, and ferulic acids. Why are antioxidants important? They protect against free radicals. It sounds like something out of an early 2000s shampoo commercial, but it’s true. Free radicals are highly reactive, leftover electrons created during oxidation. As they hunt for other electrons to pair with inside your body, they damage cells, including the skin cells involved in hair growth.

Free radicals can come from external sources like ozone, tobacco smoke, pollution, chemicals, and UV rays. You can avoid cigarettes and areas with polluted air to reduce your exposure, but free radicals are also created by natural metabolic processes. Antioxidants inhibit oxidation, even photo-oxidation caused by UV light, and reduce the number of free radicals in your body to protect your cells, slow down the effects of aging, and promote healthy hair growth.

Vitamin A

All the cells in your body require vitamin A for growth. Your hair is the fastest-growing tissue in your body and requires plenty of vitamin A to maintain its health and thickness. Vitamin A also aids in the production of natural skin oil that keeps your hair and scalp healthy, which is why it’s known for reducing frizz and giving hair a natural shine and bounce.

Vitamin B

B vitamins support the production of red blood cells, which oxygenate your scalp and hair follicles to support survival and healthy growth. Healthy circulation can help replenish dry, damaged, and lifeless locks, improving the strength, appearance, and overall quality of the hair. Deficiency of a B vitamin known as “biotin” is linked to hair loss. Most healthy individuals will get the biotin they need from their food, but topical application can help deliver biotin directly where it’s needed if your diet doesn’t provide enough on its own.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another powerful antioxidant that protects against the premature aging of hair follicles. It also helps produce collagen. Collagen improves the health of your hair by providing amino acids for hair proteins. It also strengthens the skin that houses the hair roots, helping to prevent follicle damage and graying, and reduces inflammation and dandruff that can stress your follicles.


Copper peptides, small chains of amino acids, boost the production of collagen and elastin. Elastin is another protein found in the skin. Copper also increases the number of fat cells in the scalp, which significantly strengthens follicles and increases hair growth. Applying a product that contains copper topically can increase follicle cell proliferation and slow down programmed cell death, slowing the aging of your follicles.


Iron helps boost circulation, bringing more oxygen-rich red blood cells and essential nutrients to your roots and helping your hair grow faster and longer.


A study conducted in 1992 suggested that potassium channels within skin cells were involved in the regulation of hair growth. Hair loss is often found as a symptom of potassium deficiency in both men and women. You can help the potassium in your body perform better by reducing your sodium intake if you normally consume a high-sodium diet.


Manganese is involved in the production of proline, which is involved in the production of collagen. It also helps produce natural antioxidant enzymes, which protect against those pesky free radicals.


Phosphorus is another mineral that helps improve oxygenation of the scalp, which improves the health of your hair follicles and therefore your hair.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Taking vitamin and mineral supplements when you’re not deficient can lead to an “overdose” that can cause hair loss. Vitamin A and manganese are two examples of nutrients that can cause hair thinning and loss when taken in excess. If you have healthy vitamin and mineral levels, it might be safer to nourish your hair with a topical product like Out of Regz Operator Pomade.

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